The enrolment of students is done in compliance with the law, according to the ascribed number of students for enrolment in the first year of undergraduate, specialist and master vocational studies defined by the Decision of the Ministry of Education.
Curricula is organized through lectures and practical training for courses envisaged within a specific degree program.
Accredited study programs organized by the Department in Kragujevac include:
- on undergraduate vocational programs
- duration of undergraduate vocational studies – 3 years / 6 semesters,
- weekly student workload – 40 hours,
- one-semester courses,
- duration of a semester (active teaching) – 15 weeks,
- five subjects per semester,
- annual number of ESPB points 60 (30 per semester),
- total number of ESPB points at the end of study 180,
- courses are divided into general-academic, professional and professional-applicative,
- scoring of pre-exam obligations and final exam is clearly defined for each course,
- defined ratio of pre-exam and final exam points,
- defined conditions for enrollment in study programs,
- defined conditions for ESPB points transfer,
- the content of program is adjusted to the prescribed students’ workload
- on specialist vocational programs
- duration of specialist vocational studies – 1 year / 2 semesters,
- weekly student workload – 40 hours
- one-semester courses
- duration of the semester (active teaching) – 15 weeks
- four compulsory courses in the autumn semester and three elective courses in the spring semester,
- five elective courses are offered, out of which a student chooses 3,
- annual number of ESPB points is 60,
- total number of ESPB points at the end of studies is 60,
- courses are divided into general-academic, professional and professional-applicative,
- scoring of pre-exam obligations and final exam is clearly defined for each course,
- defined ratio of pre-exam and final exam points,
- defined conditions for enrollment in study programs,
- defined conditions for ESPB points transfer,
- the content of program is adapted to the prescribed students’ workload
- on master vocational programs
- duration of master vocational studies – 2 years / 4 semesters,
- weekly student workload – 40 hours,
- one-semester courses
- duration of the semester (active teaching) for 15 weeks
- nine compulsory courses and Professional Practice in the first year of studies, and one compulsory, three elective courses, Professional Practice, Research Paper and Master’s Thesis in the second year of studies,
- elective courses are selected from seven courses,
- annual number of ESPB points – 60,
- total number of ESPB points at the end of studies – 120,
- courses are divided into general-academic, professional and professional-applicative,
- scoring of pre-exam obligations and final exam is clearly defined for each course,
- defined ratio of pre-exam and final exam points,
- defined conditions for enrollment in study programs,
- defined conditions for ESPB points transfer,
- the content of program is adapted to the prescribed students’ workload
The schedule of lectures and practical training for all study programs per semester is put up on the notice board and website, for students to be fully informed about their obligations, activities and places of lectures and practical training. The realization of classes and practical training is monitored by the deputy of director, heads of the study programs ande director.
The exam periods are in: January, April, June, August and September.
The quality of the teaching process is accomplished through:
- interactive teaching, including examples from practice in teaching, encouraging students’ creativity and autonomy in work,
- professional work of teachers and associates, positive attitude towards students, without discrimination on any basis,
- respecting, that is, adhering to agreed plans and schedules (of lectures and practical classes),
- organizing the schedule of lectures and practical classes that suits both the students and teachers,
- students are informed about the schedule of lectures / practical classes before the beginning of each semester,
- before the beginning of the semester, students are acquainted to the Work Plan for each course (basic information about the course: name, semester, number of ESPB points, requirements, aims of the course, content and structure of the course, plan and schedule, grading system, textbooks and additional literature; data on teachers and assistants etc);
- monitoring compliance of the curriculum and work plans for each course,
- through surveys, the Department in Kragujevac obtains information about the student's assessment of the quality of the teaching process.
Academy Sumadija - Department in Kragujevac has chosen the concept of "student-oriented approach", the concept that is focused on disseminating useful applicative knowledge instead of accumulation of theoretical knowledge. This concept implies an active participation of students in educational processes, thus, in line with this tendency, the Department in Kragujevac is focused on adjusting teaching methods to the new requirements.